1. Drum Kit

Interactive drumkit in your browser

2. CSS + JS Clock

I think it's 8:25

3. CSS Variables and JS playground

Let's have some fun innit

4. Array Cardio Day 1

Working my arse off with arrays

5. Flex Panels Image Gallery

What the flex?!

6. Ajax Type Ahead

Isn't that a soap?!

7. Array Cardio Day 2

Life's a race and I'm gonna win

8. Fun With HTML5 Canvas

I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.

9. Console Tricks

Learning how to ollie in the console

10. Checkbox Exercise

What's in the checkbox?

11. Custom Video Player

Let's watch a video together

12. Key Sequence Detector

Konami what?

13. Slide In On Scroll

Some fancy effects

14. Reference vs Copy

Let's learn some shizzle together

15. LocalStorage

Fancy some cheeky tapas m8 ?

16. CSS Text Shadow

Cheeky effects

17. Sorting

Practicing arrays

18. Tally String Times With Reduce

Practicing Reduce

19. Webcam fun

Jump onto the next one because I don't have a webcam

20. Speech Detection

Just talk to the mic likes no one is listening

21. Geolocation

Geolocating using the speedometer and compass

22. Follow Along Links

Funky thing that follows you around

23. Speech Synthesis

Just like Microsoft Sam but better

24. Sticky Nav

Always on top

25. Understanding JS Capture

Learning more stuff

26. Stripe follow along dropdown

Cheeky Navbar for your resume

27. Click and Drag

Drag this shizzle up